The Techniques and the Secrets of solving the Rubiks Cubes was not a Magic, that you have currently seen to those professional Magicians that having a different tricks to appear some birds into their genuine magical hat or cut some pieces of paper that after a few seconds it actually back to normal. In Solving a Rubiks cube you need to have more patience in order to understand and memorize the formula or the Algorithm in different Layer and how to apply it in the right position of the cube.

My first Experience in Solving the Rubiks cube is so difficult for me, maybe its because I didnt notice that theres a formula exsist to solve that cube, So I continously solve that cube on my own way and philosophy, but I cant still complete the proper form of that cube when Its already Rumbled. Im happy for my self when I solve the first layer with a right position of the color in approxamately 1 to 2 hours with a Nose Bleed hehe, but when Im going to solve the second and the third Layer, The first Layer was actually destructed by the two Layers until I can't assemble it again, So I decided to bring the cube to my neighbor that was actually a Professional Magician in Cavite. when I give the Rubiks cube to my neighbor I told him to please assemble it and turn back the color in proper position, he tells me that even he is a Professional Magician he can't also do that because theres have a formula that you need to memorize, thats why I discover that theres have no Magic inside a cube. On that time I study some research about the Rubiks cube and I found out that theres have lot of Algorithm that you need to study and memorize some Formulas so that you can solve the cube.
I have a friend that already a Member of the Rubiks cube association here in the Philippines and also he is also a Professional Cubers, he is the one who teach me to solve that cube in a minutes pattern. He teach me the basic moves of each Layer First The cross pattern on the First Layer , Second is the "T" pattern on the second Layer and the Third is where the Algorithm Pattern you will apply on the Third layer. thats why I can Solve already The 3x3 Rubiks Cube like a Piece of Cake nothing Nose Bleed haha..
**To Learn The Basic and Advance Tricks in Rubiks Cubing just visit their Website:
Kean,, sign up on the link below:
there's a formula exist; im happy for myself;was actually destructed..that's all i think,,..
thanks for the comment....(^_^)
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